sebuah benda bergetar sebanyak 50 kali dalam waktu 5 secon. maka periode dan frekuensi getaran benda tersebut adalah..
n = 50
t = 5
f = n/t
f = 50/5
f = 10 Hz
T = t/n
T = 5/50
T = 0,1 s
[answer.2.content]10 Days to a Less Defiant Child, second edition: The Breakthrough Program for Overcoming Yo
10 Days to a Less Defiant Child, second edition: The Breakthrough Program for Overcoming Yo
n = 50
t = 5
f = n/t
f = 50/5
f = 10 Hz
T = t/n
T = 5/50
T = 0,1 s